Ira Kaufman - Israel & USA
My Story
In the 1950s, I applied to every single gallery on Tenth Street, because I thought the Brata was the best and that I’d have a better chance at the others. I was duly rejected by each one. The only one left was the Brata and to my surprise and great delight, I was accepted. John Kruschneck told me afterwards that I got in by just one vote and he thought that was great. Usually there wasn’t that much controversy! Auspicious!
At the time, I oversaw a small crew who took care of a dozen houses of room-rentals. We did everything that was needed. Carpentry, painting, plumbing, everything. I informed my employers that I’d be leaving. They offered me a raise to remain, but I explained that I finally had an opportunity in my own chosen field. The Thabit family were gracious, and I would work half a day and then jump on the subway to the city to go to the Brata.
John Kruschneck would show me the ropes of the gallery and the frame shop. After he explained a few things, he’d ask me to go around the corner to the liquor store to buy him a bottle of Southern Comfort. Things would really go south after that. After the second or third bottle he couldn’t stand or do anything.
One time a woman came in who was having a show in the galleries wanted some paintings framed. John kept grabbing her and finally she gave him a push and he fell backwards on the floor. He told me to finish helping her, which I did. The next month John gave me the profits from the sale. He was indeed troubled but as honest a man as you can find, with a great heart. Really when he was sober, you would think him an excellent gentleman.
Israeli Expressionist Artist Ira Kaufman by Charles Giuliano 2022 Berkshire Fine Arts
Seeing the World like Ira Kaufman by Johnathan Hemley 2021 Gallery&Studio